Kensington Lock 的替代品:笔记本电脑零售防盗保护

Kensington 锁的替代品:增强笔记本电脑的零售防盗保护

Date: Apr 18 2024
阅读时间:4 分钟

Laptops are one of the top 10 most popular items for retail theft. More than 9 times out of 10 they’re never recovered. Protecting high-value merchandise like notebooks, desktop computers, and gaming laptops can be difficult for retailers, especially if they don’t want to compromise the shopping experience. Kensington Locks (K-Locks) have been the standard for over three decades for their reliability and ease of use, but it’s only a matter of time before even the most reliable technology receives an update. For retailers struggling to implement loss prevention measures for these devices, discover why a K-Lock may not be what you need and some different solutions on the market.


Kensington Locks are laptop cable locks that were developed in the 1980s. It functions in the same way a cable bike lock would. You loop the cable around something sturdy and then place the lock head into a small slot on your device and lock it into place using a combination or key. They gained traction in the early 1990’s and became so popular in fact, that a T-bar, or Kensington Slot has become an industry standard, being built into over 95% of notebooks, monitors, printers, and projectors.


What many retail stores don’t know is that K-Locks were not designed for retail security settings or for products that will be unattended for extended periods of time. Since nearly 50% of all laptop theft occurs in offices and classrooms, they’re better used to deter “snatch and grab” thieves or for more personal applications. Think of small businesses using notebooks in their IT departments to store valuable data, or someone working in a co-working space or coffee shop that may leave their notebook unattended to use the restroom or take a call.

当然,笔记本电脑与 20 年前已不可同日而语,功能越来越强大,机身也越来越轻薄。 Kensington 紧跟潮流,推出了适合 USB 端口(即将淘汰)和 Nano 插槽的设备。 这仍然不包括零售展示架或没有 K-Slots 的笔记本电脑,例如心爱的 MacBook。

Laptop Lock

Laptop Lock is the latest solution for stores in high-theft areas or with limited employees and security guards. The modular track design is perfect for small spaces or for displaying multiple products in a row.

It operates using a single key, meaning staff can unlock products quickly for fast merchandising and customer interaction. Is the floor model the last item in stock? No problem, unlock it in seconds to make the sale. Since it doesn’t rely on a K-Slot to secure notebooks, it can be used with all brands.

Laptop Lock doesn’t just improve operations but dramatically improves the customer’s shopping experience. The small form of the brackets doesn’t block the screen or keyboard so customers get an authentic feel for the product.


There’s a reason Kensington has been the industry standard for so long. If you need a small-scale solution or value the ease of use in your business, InVue’s K-Lock is a great alternative for any device with a K-Slot. As the name implies, it works for valuables with a Kensington Slot, but the difference is the ability to alarm the product. In the event a thief tries to yank or cut the attached cable, an alarm will sound.

Laptop AOP

Laptop AOP (alarm on product) is a budget-friendly solution to protect electronics sans K-Slot. It uses a powerful adhesive that attaches the alarm directly to the laptop, monitor, etc. The adhesive can only be removed using a specialized tool, so you don’t have to worry about a person simply peeling it off.

Both solutions are easy to install and deliver reliable security and a seamless experience for shoppers. As a bonus, both loss prevention devices rely on a single key to operate, making them easy to scale and maintain.


大多数品牌都会同意,店内购物体验是其业务的重中之重,但如何在体验与资产保护之间架起桥梁,一直是一项艰巨的挑战。 我们的所有产品都将购物者放在设计过程的最前沿,并通过使用 OneKEY 或无线扫描技术提供无与伦比的访问控制。

通过 OneKEY 实现更好的访问控制,您可以获得有关您的商店的深刻数据报告,例如客户最常接触的产品,简化员工的日常商店运营,并通过更高效的产品管理提高您的利润。

立即联系 InVue 获取更好的解决方案来保护您的资产并吸引购物者再次光临。


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