InVue 于 2016 NRF 大展首次展示最新的 Smart Lock。 - InVue

InVue 于 2016 NRF 大展首次展示最新的 Smart Lock。

日期2016 年 1 月 18 日
阅读时间:3 分钟

InVue今天推出了Smart Lock L430 ,它是IR Ecosystem的最新成员,是针对高盗窃商品的创新零售安全解决方案。 Smart Lock L430可以无缝集成到新的或现有的家具中,具有自锁功能,可以保护销售楼层的商品,而不会影响客户体验。 invue's Smart Lock技术使用数字握手,使商店员工能够快速访问高价值产品,而无需离开顾客身边,也不会破坏零售店的美观。

Unlike mechanical locks that can be picked or broken, the Smart Lock L430 is pick resistant and can only be accessed by an electronic key. Smart Lock L430 is also fully integrated with the IR Ecosystem, which uses only one key to control all InVue Solutions. Unlike anything else on the market today, Smart Lock L430 does not require a power or batteries and instead features innovative, patented electronic functionality through power transfer, ensuring the Smart Lock L430 is always ready for use. The unique ID of each lock enables auditing and zoning capabilities.

Smart Lock L430 的其他亮点包括:

  • 自动锁定电子锁 — 独特的设计可确保展柜始终处于锁定状态,因此当销售人员忘记将展柜上锁时,展柜将自动锁定。
  • 无缝集成到新的和现有的家具中— L430 几乎难以察觉,可以无缝隐藏在面板墙壁中,以保持商店环境的美观,同时又不影响安全性。 这种小巧但功能强大、适应性强的设计在开发时就考虑到了商店环境,以确保零售环境的完整性,并避免笨重机械锁的传统缺陷。

现在,顶级零售商(包括 Best Buy、Verizon 和 T-Mobile)均依赖 Smart Lock 系统为其贵重商品提供安全保障,同时还可提高店员销售效率并增加收入。Smart Lock 成功的关键在于其易用性和现代化的美观设计,可将其与任何展示装置结合。Smart Lock 解决方案套件属于 IR Ecosystem 的一部分,是针对高失窃率商品的全店范围内的单钥匙安保系统。

“Backrooms are shrinking as retailers are placing more and more merchandise on the sales floor,” said Karen Bomber, Director of Product Marketing, InVue. “As a result, retailers must not only ensure the highest level of security, but a positive customer experience where the moment of decision results in the moment of purchase. Forward thinking retailers understand the power of the Smart Lock L430 to uniquely address these challenges and fuel increased sales opportunities.”

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